Tips and tricks needed

Okay, my lovely parents of “older kids”… Send me all the tips about: 1) entertaining them (when they want it) 2) keeping them inside (when they don’t want it) 3) getting them to help around the house so you aren’t the only one with the laundry, cooking, sanitizing, etc. I will go first. 1) Games. Not everyone in our house is into board games, but this was a hit! You are given clues to help solve a mystery, as though you are a detective. Newspaper clippings, autopsy reports, etc. We all went through it and came up with our own […]

Hanging in there – barely

You may get a different experience as I vent about “quaranteeninig” right now. I love my big boys, but I really wish I had a couple of little ones to build a blanket fort with or do art projects with. Teens/Twenties aren’t really so interested. They just wanna Snapchat or tiktok or play video games. And they are messy, all while I KNOW they are fully capable of cleaning up after themselves! So —- I know I have a bad attitude. No need to send me cheer up messages or remind me that it’s all gonna be okay. Heck, three […]

Going Through the Steps

Taking a departure from my usual teens/twenties post to discuss the anxiety many of us are feeling… No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.C.S. Lewis The whole nation — the whole world! — is going through something it hasn’t felt on such a large scale in a long time. A mass period of fear, uncertainty, and grief. It feels a bit like World War Three, except we are fighting a disease this time. There have been other times like this — the polio epidemic, Black Death, large scale flu outbreaks – but not in our children’s […]

Now what?

Good crazy Monday morning to you!  Who knew a week ago that today would look like this? My planned blog post for Friday had to be put on hold because — COVID19. It was going to be all about senioritis, which was beginning to hit hard at our house. However, we are wishing for senioritis around here now! The truth is, this enforced quarantine that most of us are experiencing is especially hard for seniors this year. And not just senior citizens! (Although that, of course, is true.) Suddenly, end of the year celebrations are put on hold, the moments […]

Fire, Ice, and Fog

“I believe that most couples who stay married for 50 or 60 years fall in and out of love numerous times… It is, in my judgment, almost ludicrous to think that we experience ‘being in love’ the same for the entire [60] years, just like we felt at the beginning of that relationship. That’s just utterly crazy.” —John Piper I’ve thought about love a lot the last few weeks, anticipating this month of posts. Like I’ve said on Instagram recently, this holiday just isn’t one we care about at our house. However, I know it’s important to a lot of […]