
A friend and I were talking about this topic, recently, as it relates to writing. There are certain places you feel safe. Telling your hopes, dreams, and fears to friends and family, of course, is the safest. Throwing something superficial up on Instagram can be easy. Until you choose to make it public, you can feel pretty confident that your best buds will love what you write in your personal blog. What is it about putting things on Facebook that is so scary? First of all, people on Facebook can be cruel, or in today’s vernacular, “judgy”. Second, everyone you […]

Beautiful truth

But whatever was to my profit, I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.  I consider them rubbish, that I may know Christ and be found in Him… This is speaking truth to me this morning.  All of our lives, whether we see it now, are but “rubbish” compared to His surpassing greatness.  And, although Paul is speaking of his accomplishments in this passage, that includes our failures too!  Christ is over […]

Rock of Ages

I have felt such a conviction to be “that” woman who deals graciously with the stuff life throws at us sometimes. How do you become that? We in the US are so spoiled spiritually, with such amazing freedoms to share our faith with others and to worship openly. We are so spoiled materially. We are called upon to minister to the poor and we definitely should – yet we don’t have a concept of poverty in our country. Our poor are classified as a family of four making less than $18800 per year. Sounds bad, right? Yet many of the […]

What would Peter do?

Sometimes, in this crazy world, we wonder “What would Jesus do?” Well, I won’t sound very “spiritual” saying this, but I don’t KNOW what Jesus would do! Remember how he was always “confounding” everyone? Writing in the sand when a woman caught in adultery was brought to him, infuriating his disciples when he said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s – pay your taxes, in other words – and tearing up the very bastion of religious expression, the temple, with whips… So, I am bringing it on down to MY level – what would Peter do? Remember him, with […]

The view from the top

An old man had trekked the dangerous trail up Mount Everest many times. In the twilight of his life, before taking one last climb, he was asked yet again, WHY would you continue to risk this again and again? To which he replied, “Obviously you have never seen the view from the top.” Do we long to see the view from the top? Do we groan along with creation for that great Day of Revelation, when our Bridegroom returns for us? Can we say as Paul did – “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the […]